Collection and payment processes

The main goal of credit management is getting invoices paid. Abillity® offers a solution for automated collection and payment processes, allowing you to maintain complete control easily.

Automatic agreement verification

Abillity® ensures that all collection batches and individual collection orders are executed according to the agreements made.

Moreover, Abillity® automatically checks for maximum amounts per transaction, total amounts in a collection batch, the number of lines per batch, the distribution to required collection files, and the number of batches per period. This prevents collections from being technically rejected and benefits cash flow.

And if a discrepancy is detected between the selection of outstanding invoices and the contract parameters, you receive a clear notification. This allows you to immediately take the appropriate follow-up action, such as adjusting the collection amount.

Of course, this control mechanism works in exactly the same way for creating payment orders (outgoing payments). This way, you maintain complete control over that process as well.

Flexibility in collection selections

You can specify which collection or payment orders need to be executed. You can easily make selections of debtors and invoice types.

Are there installment payment arrangements that are about to expire and have you agreed that these will be paid by automatic collection? Include them in your selection. Or choose to generate a separate collection batch.

Before releasing the order to your bank, you check the selection results. This extra check prevents incorrect collections and everything that comes with it: no negative customer experience, no corrective actions, and no unwanted peak loads at your customer contact center.

Abillity® takes into account your customer’s preferred date. This way, you collect automated and personally, even when dealing with different types of debtors and invoices.

For the payment process, you have the same selection options, but of course based on approved payment orders.

Security measures

Abillity® creates a ‘hash total’ for each file. This control number ensures you can easily verify whether the collection or payment file has been modified between generation in Abillity® and delivery to the bank.

Generating the hash (the so-called key management) can consist of two parts.

You can perform the management completely independently within the Abillity® web interface. FIQAS intervention is not required for this.

Direct bank connection

Depending on the chosen integration, validated and released collection and payment files are directly submitted to your bank for processing. The feedback on this – through daily statements – is of course also automatically retrieved and processed.

Follow-up after a reversal

Each reversal is categorized based on the reversal reason. The causes can be roughly divided into the following categories:

  • insufficient funds
  • technical reason
  • active reversal of the collection

For each category, you can easily configure the desired follow-up. For example, a re-collection – including announcement – when there are insufficient funds. Or in case of a technical reason, closing the relevant mandate with a request to agree to a new mandate. Otherwise, every subsequent collection will of course fail again. And when actively reversing the collection, you might want to call the customer to ask why they disagree with the collection? In that case, you can easily create a task for this.

Want more information?

Are you curious whether our platform is suitable for your organisation?
We’d love to have a conversation with you!

Henk Stobbe

Commercial Director

+31 297 382323