At FIQAS, we constantly deal with privacy-sensitive information. To facilitate the invoicing process with our Abillity® platform, we require both client data and (personal) debtor details. Therefore, it’s second nature for everyone in our organisation to handle this data with care. However, an official certification had not been achieved until now.
Daily Focus on Quality
Following the ISAE 3402 type II statement, we have now formally attained ISO 27001 certification. ISO 27001 is a globally recognised standard for managing risks related to information security. By obtaining this certificate, we demonstrate that, alongside technical measures, we also implement the right organisational and procedural measures to effectively protect our clients’ data.
Duco Waterreus, Manager Operations & FIQAS Security Officer, explains the value of ISO 27001 for all involved parties. ‘When entering into a partnership with us, you should expect the information to be well secured. After all, we support our clients in critical business processes. With this ISO certification, we can formally demonstrate our careful handling of both client and our own information.’
Stella Calvetti, Total Quality Manager at FIQAS, adds, ‘This, however, doesn’t mean we can now relax. On a daily basis, I focus on ensuring FIQAS’s quality. We will continue to adhere to, monitor, assess, and improve our information security processes. Moreover, an annual audit will take place, and after three years, we’ll undergo recertification.’.